Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Penelope Scambly Schott

As anyone who knows Penelope's work can attest, she is a wonderful poet. I just loved hearing her read from The Pest Maiden. Her stories are so interesting. She knows so many wonderful people in Chappaqua who were kind enough to come and hear us speak. I'll post pics as soon as I can.

She was so kind to give me some of her time to speak. I wish I had been able to fit in some info about the fight against the Nobel Committee. As it was I ran too long and had to omit some of my text. I could beat myself up about it, but instead I will consider it an homage to the man who is perhaps Chappaqua's most verbose resident. Going by his example, I should have hit all my points no matter how long I was running, and made some extra ones along the way as well. It's all about self-confidence, isn't it?

Thanks again to Penelope. Please buy a copy of her book The Pest Maiden. You'll be glad you did. (yes, that's my review at Amazon. It came up in my maiden name.)


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