Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Haaretz Mentions Us

In a review of the book "Madhouse" about Henry Cotton the Israeli newspaper Haaretz mentions us:

"Even after Cotton's death his students continued to perform tooth extractions and tonsillectomies, until 1960. Even the inception of a treatment that was thought to be innovative at the time - lobotomy, the surgical removal of part of the brain's frontal lobe by inserting an ice pick into it, which was supposed to replace other treatments - did not lead to the end of the amputations and other surgery. (Incidentally, the developer of the lobotomy, who performed hundreds of the procedures, won the Nobel Prize for Medicine and also a great deal of support, until the real results of the treatment were revealed: The destruction of the brain tissue affected the functioning of the patient, who became a kind of zombie. Recently, several lobotomy patients' families have asked that the Nobel Prize be rescinded.) The studies that pointed to the danger and stupidity of Cotton's methods were buried in the archives of Johns Hopkins and the management of the hospital in New Jersey."


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