Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bioethics Blog

I found this very interesting blog for the American Journal of Bioethics.

An entry that caught my eye was this one that mentions a survey that found most American medical students think it's okay to take gifts from drug companies and many of them do so. We're talking about people who have not even become physicians yet who are already being influenced by the giant conglomerate. Unbelievable!

Another entry talked about the use of euthanasia in New Orleans during the flood (though some question the veracity of the story). Euthanasia is illegal in Louisiana and is the focus of heated debate in the United States. Considering that two nursing home operators were charged with murder for not evacuating their residents in time, I don't see how those euthanasia physicians can go without being charged with murder as well. The nursing home people didn't even intentionally kill their patients while these physicians allegedly did. This could turn into something very big if it turns out to be true.


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