Thursday, February 24, 2005

Pregnant Women Risk Murder in U.S., Report Finds

Okay, I have some thoughts coming together.

First I have been thinking about the relationship between psychosurgery and pregnancy. I speak to many families of psychosurgery victims and a pregnancy or childbirth often seems to fit into the story.

Second, I have been thinking about the word 'hysterectomy'. An appendectomy is the removal of the appendix. A lumpectomy is the removal of a lump. What is a hysterectomy? The removal of ... hysteria. Somehow the womb is related to hysteria.

Now there is this story which asserts, "Murder is a surprisingly common cause of death among pregnant women in the United States, U.S. government researchers reported on Wednesday.
"Homicide is a leading cause of pregnancy-associated injury deaths," Jeani Chang and colleagues wrote in the latest issue of the American Journal of Public Health.
Most of the murdered women, 56 percent, were shot to death while the rest were either stabbed or strangled."

Wow. Now the part that doesn't quite fit into place is that far more pregnant black women are murdered than white women, while far more white women were lobotomized than black women.

There is something important here. It's related to the reality of post-partum depression and psychosis, and it's also related to misogyny. I can't quite put my finger on it ...


Blogger Morgaine said...

Hi, Christine-

I think the problem in the U.S. goes right back to our food supply. The animal foods that Americans eat are laden with chemicals, pus, pesticide, antibiotics and especially growth hormone.

If you look at the diseases that are rapidly increasing in our country - depression, obesity, cystic acne, dozens of non-descript skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis, post-partum depression and psychosis, menstrual pain and irregularity, precoscious puberty, infertility, tumors, even Type II Diabetes- they are all side effects of hormonal imbalance. So is violence. That's the connection.

You take a system that is already being fed unnatural amounts of hormones and add a pregnancy, you've got trouble. The problem is that government is bought and paid for by groups like the Cattlemen's Association and the Poultry Association.

The Pharmaceuticle and Cosmetic industries make millions treating us with everything from Prozac to Prilosec to Prevachol, selling us pills and ointments for skin disorders and related scarring. Think of the money made by the Diet and Weight-loss industry. All the money spent on Gym memberships that are never used. The surgeries performed on tumors and cost of the chemotherapy that follows.

We need someone not beholden to these industries to start campaigning for a cleaner food supply. That would decrease the burden on the Psychiatric care facilities and give them space to work on real mental illnesses. It wouldn't cure all of our problems, but they'd gradually decrease, and with the new technologies for treatment, people could be healthier than ever before.

10:42 PM  

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